Headshot of Charlie Villanueva

Charlie Villanueva
VP of Commercialization

Whole-Plant Edibles: Harnessing The Full Power of Cannabis

Whole-Plant ACTiVATOR® encapsulates the inflorescence’s fingerprint, rendering the whole plant into a doseable ingredient for downstream ingestible applications. By encapsulating active cannabinoids directly in their natural cannabis flower form, this fast-acting formulation eliminates the need for extraction, and delivers whole-spectrum, strain specific edibles, with their natural terpene profiles and minor cannabinoids preserved.

Among the benefits:

  • By using cannabis flower instead of solventless extracts, producers can save up to 70% in costs. No intermediate extraction process is required, and no ethanol or hydrocarbons necessary; the only solvent used in this process is water.

  • Terpenes preserved are abundant enough to create an appealing natural flavor. And with our surfactant-free products, manufacturers’ original recipes will shine with strain-specific flavor and no need for added bitter blockers or masking agents.

  • Can be incorporated into existing manufacturing processes with ease and our nationally scalable system doesn’t require our staff to be on-site for production. Whole-Plant ACTiVATOR® utilizes the same low-footprint, low-cost equipment as all TiME INFUSION® products.

  • Unlike traditional edibles, all TiME INFUSION® products also allow for greater Delta-9-THC absorption and a euphoric smokers-high. The predictable experience provides consumers with fast-acting sensory effects kicking in at 5-15 minutes.

Learning Objectives:

  • To analyze how experts are working to encapsulate other parts of the plant, in addition to the THC cannabinoid, that also provide therapeutic components and are integrating them into edibles - vastly opening up the potential benefits a consumer can experience
Charlie has over 10 years of experience in technology development and management in early-stage companies. Before joining Azuca, he worked in commercializing nanotechnologies and novel pharmaceutical manufacturing platforms in private and venture-backed startups. In his current capacity as Director of Commercialization, Charlie further develops Azuca’s core technologies, oversees the validation and release of new products, manages the intellectual property portfolio and develops analytical methods for the cannabis industry. Charlie holds a Bachelor’s of Science in Biology and Chemistry from the University of New Mexico.

