Headshot of Judyta Cielecka-Piontek

Judyta Cielecka-Piontek
Poznan University of Medical Science

Exploring the Diverse Potential of Cannabis: Addressing Challenges
in Cannabinoid Solubility

Cannabis is a versatile plant with multifaceted potential, offering diverse opportunities through hemp as a raw material, including sustainable textiles, biofuels, and wellness products. It possesses a wide range of medicinal uses, with effects varying depending on factors such as strain, dosage, and individual physiology. Its varied chemical composition, encompassing cannabinoids, terpenes, and polyphenols, contributes to its ability to induce a spectrum of responses in patients. Through its interaction with the endocannabinoid system, cannabis demonstrates its versatility, offering therapeutic potential across a broad spectrum of conditions and experiences. However, cannabinoids have poor solubility which limits their oral bioavailability and efficacy.
Professor Judyta Cielecka-Piontek is a graduate of the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Adam Mickiewicz and the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski. She started her scientific work as an assistant for the tasks specified in the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry (2002). Since 2018, he has been the manager of Department of Pharmacognosy PUMS. In 2021, he received the title of professor from the President of the Republic of Poland. Since 2022, he has been working as a full professor at PUMS. Since 2021, he has been the chancellor of the College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, responsible, inter alia, for the evaluation of the discipline - pharmaceutical sciences. Prof. Judyta Cielecka-Piontek conducts research in the field of mechanosynthesis aimed at improving the solubility of active compounds of synthetic and natural origin, focusing on the preparation of innovative delivery systems. He is the author of over 170 experimental works on this subject and the manager of projects in the field of basic research and development research. The results of research carried out by Prof. Judyta Cielecka-Piontek were transferred to industry many times.

