VIDEO VERSION AVAILABLE ON YOUTUBE Dr. Zamir Punja is a Professor of Plant Biotechnology at Simon Fraser University in Canada. His research interests include the etiology and management of plant diseases on vegetable and horticultural crops, and the applications of plant biotechnology for disease management. Since 2018, his work has shifted to researching cannabis, where his group has described a …
Fighting Costly Plant Pathogens with Michael Straumietis
If you grow or consume cannabis, you’ve benefited from something Michael Straumietis has done. A grower since 1983, Michael’s mission is to make cannabis an acceptable and everyday part of healing humanity. In 1999, he founded Advanced Nutrients and launched the world’s first and only complete cannabis growing system that Hits the Shift and optimizes all phases of the vegetative …
Field-Portable Testing Solutions for Cannabis with Russell Jessup, PhD
Dr. Russel Jessup is an Associate Professor at Texas A&M University. Russ started his career developing improved perennial grasses as biorefinery platforms for biofuels, turfgrasses, forage, ornamentals, phytoremediators, and renewable bio-based products. He has since transitioned into working on breeding industrial hemp, during which, he and his team identified a need for field-portable testing technologies that could help accelerate their programs. …
How Hormones Affect Cannabinoid Synthesis with Lauren Sands, MSc.
Lauren is a Senior Laboratory Technician at SafeTiva Labs in Westfield, MA. She works in both the biological and chemical side of operations, utilizing PCR and chromatography to test cannabis products. Lauren recently obtained her M.S. in Plant Science with a focus on cannabis molecular biology at the University of Connecticut where she focused on how hormones affect cannabinoid production. …
Analyzing Photosynthesis in Cannabis Leaves with Allison Justice, PhD
Allison Justice is the Founder and CEO of The Hemp Mine, a 30-acre hemp farm in South Carolina that supplies premium hemp genetics bred in-house across the US. The Hemp Mine produces a wide array of consumer products ranging from smokable flowers to topicals to tinctures of different concentrations for humans and animals. Allison also co-founded the Cannabis Research Coalition, …
Phenohunting and Breeding Stable Cannabis Seeds with Nathaniel Pennington
Nathaniel Pennington is the Founder and CEO of Humboldt Seed Company. He has been supplying high-quality cannabis seeds to growers since 2001. In 2018 they hosted the World’s Largest Phenotype Hunt, teaming with local farmers, industry experts, and top researchers, many of whom are CannMed alumni. We talked about the Mega Phenohunt Project as well as Nat’s process for breeding …
Protecting Grows from Pests and Pathogens with Kyle R.L. Baker
Kyle R.L. Baker is the CSO and Co-Founder of EcoBuds and CleanTheory. He founded the companies based upon a deep understanding and experience in socio-technical design and econometric modeling and their application to disease mitigation. As a cannabis entrepreneur, Kyle focuses his attention on scientific verification methods and weighted decision-making to ensure the end-to-end delivery of clean and compliant cannabis …
Patenting Cannabis and Hemp Cultivars with Dale Hunt, PhD
Dr. Dale Hunt is a plant scientist, a Cannabis lawyer, and a registered U.S. patent attorney with over 20 years of experience protecting plant varieties in the United States and throughout the world. Dale is the founder of Plant & Planet Law Firm, an Intellectual Property Law practice, where he provides guidance and expertise on patents and IP matters, and …
Educating the Next Generation of Hemp Scientists with Heather Grab
Heather Grab is a Senior Lecturer at Cornell University’s School of Integrated Plant Science where she delivers best practices for the cultivation and processing of hemp to professionals in Cornell’s Hemp Science MPS program. She works with plant breeders, pathologists, biochemists, extension professionals, regulatory officials, and industry partners in New York state and across the globe to translate the latest …
Discovering New Aromatic Compounds in Cannabis with TJ Martin
TJ Martin is the VP of R&D at Abstrax, a company that specializes in the research, development, and production of botanically-derived and cannabis-inspired terpenes. TJ and his team recently published a paper that identified a new class of aromatic cannabis compounds called volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs), which are responsible for the signature skunky, gassy smell that is so prominent in …