Headshot of Leah Johnson

Dr. Leah Johnson
Medical Cannabis Pharmacist
PCCC (PCCC Treasurer) & Alchemist Consulting LLC

Applying Ryan’s Law: The Compassionate Use of Cannabis in Healthcare Facilities

- The objective of this presentation is to show practitioners from all states how to implement Ryan's Law (Compassion Cannabis use for terminally ill patients in healthcare facilities) while avoiding potential federal hurdles.

- The focus is to show how to protect healthcare professionals while still helping to facilitate the use of medical cannabis in long term care (elderly facilities) and hospitals. We include policies and procedures the medical teams can bring back to their home states to help implementation. The presentation also includes an overview of views and regulations from current federal organizations (ie. department of public health, centers for medicare services, etc) to help guide practitioners when implementing.

- We have seen a lot of chaos in California which is the first start that Ryan's Law has been approved in so far. The issues are mostly from the healthcare system's staff and facilities which are not prepared or knowledgeable about how to properly implement Ryan's Law in their facilities. This is causing harm to patients as they are seeking the use of medical cannabis for their last year or less of life but when the system is not setup properly they are not able to access the cannabis medicine they need. With this presentations and policies & procedures, clinicians have a guide on how to help their terminally ill patients while still following federal regulations.

- We have seen that patients have a much happier and peaceful end of life when they are able to have access to their medical cannabis therapy. They are less sedated, have better pain and anxiety control, and are able to have a meaningful last contact with their families before they pass. Ryan's law has also been shown to make the dying process easier on both the patient and the family.

Dr. Leah Johnson is a trained Medical Cannabis Pharmacist and the owner and founder of Alchemist Consulting LLC. She is also an accomplished, highly driven Clinical Integrative Health Pharmacist, with primary focus in pain, mental health (depression, anxiety, insomnia, Autism, etc.) and geriatric medication management. She also holds 3 patents (under her maiden name: Leah Haibi) for natural herbal remedy tinctures, which she helped develop as the Head of Research & Development for an herbal supplement company in Connecticut. Dr. Leah believes that complete physical/mental health and well-being can be influenced by the utilization of cannabis, as well as other herbal remedies and supplements, in conjunction with pharmaceutical medications. She believes that most patients are given too many and often inappropriate prescription medications, while not being given the knowledge for utilizing effective herbals and supplements to reduce pill burden. She also believes that many patients are unable to get full relief of their ailments due to the missing components in their medication regimens. In an effort to improve the overall health and well-being of patients, Dr. Leah works with patients and their healthcare providers, from all over the US, to reduce the amount of medications taken, alter timing and dosing of medications to improve effectiveness, and identify medications which could be causing issues. She also works with cannabis companies to advise them on formulations, dosing, safety, interactions, and how to better help their customers see health improvements with the use of their products. Lastly Dr. Leah speaks at medical conferences and on panels to help educate providers and patients on the benefits of utilizing cannabis medicine in therapy. Her last speaking event was February 2022 at the annual ACA/ACVP/PPHI conference. Dr. Leah holds a Doctorate degree in Pharmacy from the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences and she will be receiving her Masters degree in Medical Cannabis Science and Therapeutics in 2023.

