Texas A&M University
Dr. Jessup's 'Biorefinery Feedstock Breeding Program' combines industrial hemp (grain, fiber, cannabinoid, phenomic, genomic, etc.) and perennial grass (turfgrass, forages, biofuels, bioproducts) breeding efforts. His research funding has exceeded $7,000,000--US Departments of Energy and Agriculture, international partners, Texas agencies, and corporate sponsors (BP, Scotts-Miracle-Gro, USGA, Rare Earth Genomics). He has written 39 peer-reviewed journal articles, three book chapters, and was keynote speaker at the International Conference on Organic Farming, Biodynamics, and Modern Agriculture. Dr. Jessup’s teaching exceeds 300 students annually across undergraduate and graduate courses on renewable bioproducts, intellectual property, and turfgrass science. He received the Excellence in Teaching Award (2013), chairs/co-chairs 7 current graduate students, and was the major advisor for 27 previous students. His service includes Honors Faculty, ATM Mentors, Maroon & White Mentors, Veteran Mentor (EBV; Battleground-to-Breaking-Ground), Honor Council, and MEPS leadership committees. Dr. Jessup served the US Army (1993-1995), completed his BS (Plant & Environmental Soil Science:1997) and PhD (Plant Breeding:2005) at Texas A&M University, held USDA-ARS post-doctoral (2005-2007) and commercial biofuel (2007-2009) positions, returned to Texas A&M University (2009), and was promoted to Associate Professor (2016).