Headshot of Travis Higginbotham

Travis Higginbotham
Founder & CEO
Due Diligence Horticulture, LLC

Travis Higginbotham is a seasoned commercial cultivation specialist and innovative business owner with over ten years of experience in the horticultural industry. He recently founded Due Diligence Horticulture, LLC, a professional horticultural business consultancy that supports growers in all horticultural markets globally. This venture assists a diverse range of clients, from sophisticated growers looking to push the limits of plant growth with new varieties and technologies, to businesses needing asset revitalization and capital protection plans. The consultancy emphasizes process efficiency and innovation in plant science, partnering with universities and leading vendors to support long-term customer success.Before starting his own business, Higginbotham served as Vice President of a 230,000 sq. ft. cannabis greenhouse operation at StateHouse Holdings in California, managing all aspects of cultivation, postharvest processes, and bulk sales. Before this, he was VP of Sales and Business Development at The Hemp Mine, a vertically integrated producer of hemp genetics and products in the Southeast US.Earlier in his career, Higginbotham was the Director of Research and Development at Battlefield Farms, a leading 1.8 million sq. ft. greenhouse operation. He successfully managed partnerships with 28 global floricultural breeding companies and advised major retailers on crop performance and product development across the US. Following his tenure at Battlefield, he became the Global Director of Horticulture Service for Fluence Bioengineering, where he developed technical support services and led a global team catering to top-tier cannabis customers in Canada, the US, Australia, and the EU.In addition to his horticultural consultancy, Higginbotham owns Unity Modern, LLC, a mid-century furniture refinishing and upholstery business based in San Francisco. He is also the co-inventor of two smart farming patents focusing on Photoperiod and Light Acclimation management. Higginbotham holds a BS in Horticulture from Clemson University and an MS in Horticulture from Virginia Tech University.

